Illinois Bayou
Trying some different tactics and baits. Using a running rig, swivel leads with Sriracha flavored pack. Par boiled potatoes and pink pop up corn for hook bait.
Have gotten several line bumps, one take 30 minutes in. Unsure of species, wasn't on long enough to determine. Potatoes have been flavored with a mussel type flavoring.
Temperature readings of 62F in the bayou. The water in the lake body, especially in and around shallows is probably even warmer. I would guess the carp are in spawn mode. I may go to the lake afterwards to see for any signs of spawning.
Interesting, yeah, spawning should be around the corner in Arkansas... curious if you see anything.
Thanks for keeping us posted!
Florian Rossmark
Germany / USA - Carp Angler
@frossmark , I didn't notice anything, but didn't really deep dive into it. There was no fish activity to speak of, so I moved to a local community pond, because, why not? You never know.
Smaller ponds heat up quicker, you might be lucky and they are already post spawn there..
Florian Rossmark
Germany / USA - Carp Angler
Had a good day, the best catch being an 18 lb buff. My feeling is there are better fish to be had, but they are going to be few and far between. I will keep baiting and trying, the goal being a +30 lb fish.
These are some good looking fish, well done. Love that you always document the weather conditions as well!
Keep on going, I have my hopes up for you! The carp will come, might be spawn right now.. not sure though.
Florian Rossmark
Germany / USA - Carp Angler
Another before work session. Was 37 F and calm. Quite cold for this time of year. I ended up losing one that nearly pulled my rod in after forgetting to set the bait runner drag. It felt like a good fish.
Tried the new pineapple goo I made, had lots of activity on it using tigernuts as hookbait. Overall, a successful morning with 1 buff caught, 1 cat.