This is less of a full review, but more of a general recommendation for someone looking for a quality budget reel. I have included a picture of the specifications. I haven't received any money or product for this review, I have just had great luck with this reel and wanted to share.
I've owned this reel for a couple of years now, and have to say for the price point, it is a stellar reel. It has a similar feel and size to a Daiwa Emcast reel, which I also own. The primary and secondary drags are extremely smooth, with the secondary having a very nice clicking sound, loud enough to hear well which is the only strike I have against the Emcast. This is a non-issue with bite alarms, but for someone just getting into the sport who isn't looking to buy alarms, the clicker provides excellent bite indication at close distance.
The reel plays fish well, and the bearings have the feel of reels twice the cost. I have landed many double digit fish over the last two years on the Carnivore X, and it works as well the day I got it.
If you are looking for a reel to start with or just looking to add to your arsenal without breaking the bank, definitely consider this reel. You will not be disappointed.
Love this, especially the clicker noise while not using bite alarms. Great honest review! Well done!
Florian Rossmark
Germany / USA - Carp Angler